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Urban Water Infrastructures

It comprehends those facilities that are used for public water supply, including collection, treatment and return to the receiving environment or for a later use. These facilities are as follows.

Water transmission infrastructures: Pipelines, collectors, channels and outfalls, either reused, residual, drinking water, irrigation, etc.

Water treatment infrastructures: Wastewater treatment, drinking water, desalination plants and facilities of water reused.

Small Infrastructures of water storage and auxiliary elements: Tanks, storm tanks, pumping stations etc.

OFITECO offers within this Department 4 types of services.

  • DESIGN: Basic, preliminary, tendering, construction and detailed.
  • TECHNICAL ASSISTANCES: Construction Management, Control and Supervision of work.
  • CONSULTING: Drafting all type of reports and studies related to integral water cycle.

These infrastructures supply of water the population and subsequently return to the receiving environment complying with the legislation in force (Directive 91/271/CEE concerning the purification of waste water, as well as the DMA (spanish acronym of Water Framework Directive) which includes this and other water-related directives. OFITECO offers all the services of engineering and consulting related to the integral water cycle.