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March 24, 2017, Jindabyne, NSW, Australia |

OFITECO was present in the ANCOLD Dam Operators Forum 2017

Held annually, ANCOLD Forum is the main event for dam operators in Australia

Seguridad de Presas, Dam Safety, ANCOLD forum

Dam operators, technicians and managers met this year in Jindabyne for the ANCOLD Dam Operators Forum, in order to share experiences and stay up to date in technology, organisation and operating culture. This year’s theme was “Operating dams, a future of innovation”. The program, with speakers from the main Australian water organisations, was focused on maintaining dams beyond design life, new technologies, dam safety management and emergency preparedness. It did also include a visit to Snowy Hydro Complex, as a reference to the history of dam development in Australia.

Participation in international dam forums is a major priority for OFITECO, establishing the company as a reference in dam safety.