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July 03, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic |

OFITECO is actively present in the 85th annual meeting for the Large Dams International Commission, happening in the Czech Republic

Every year OFITECO answers the call made by the International Commission on Large Dams by attending the meeting and actively participating in the reunion held in Prague, between July 3rd and 7th.

ICOLD meeting 2017

This year, the Large Dams International Commission (ICOLD) held its annual meeting from the 3rd through the 7th of July in Prague, where highly specialised dam’s engineers from more than 47 countries participated.

The traditional structure of annual meetings includes workshops, technical committees, working groups and symposiums, with over 450 lectures running from Monday to Friday.

OFITECO as dam safety Specialist Company has been present in all the activities during the week, OFITECO’s General Director (Dr. Jürgen Fleitz) and Technical Director (Dr. Manuel G. de Membrillera) participated in the meeting. They are both Vice Chairmen of the Spanish technical committee of ICOLD.

OFITECO vigilancia de la seguridad de las presas

Among all the activities that OFITECO was involved in, it is worth mentioning the workshops and technical meetings of the “Technical Committee on Dam Monitoring and Surveillance”. A group of engineers from 5 continents participated on Monday the 3rd in a workshop devoted to the introduction of a new bulletin produced by this Technical Committee. As a matter of fact, the development of technical guidelines is the most important activity of all ICOLD technical committees, and these bulletins collect state of the art recommendations from expert engineers all over the world.

OFITECO was the moderator in the aforementioned workshop, dedicated to the analysis of case studies where monitoring systems played a vital role to prevent dam’s safety failures and problems.  Moreover, OFITECO made a presentation where several Spanish relevant cases where explained. Apart from that, the Technical Committee continued working on Tuesday the 4th on a new bulletin focused on data acquisition and information interpretation techniques coming from monitoring systems, in order to diagnose safety levels.

Furthermore, OFITECO participated in the symposium that was held on Wednesday the 5th, where it presented a paper on the role of the dam’s galleries in the realm of dam safety and security.

The General Assembly of ICOLD was held on the last day, with the participation of Jürgen Fleitz as SPANCOLD representative.

Participation in this great event, where so many interesting experiences have been shared, is inspiring and stimulating for OFITECO to continue to do better work.