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June 17, 2021, Lima-Peru |

OFITECO strengthens its presence in Peru with the implementation of its TunnelData software in the works on Line 2 of the Lima and Callao Metro

OFITECO is already responsible for the instrumentation and monitoring of various sections of tunnels, already builts or currently under execution by the New Austrian Tunnel Construction Method (NATM) or with TBM, and of stations.


The Consortium responsible for the execution of the Project of “Line 2 and Branch Av. Faucett - Av. Gambeta of the Basic Network of the Lima and Callao Metro”, has trusted OFITECO for the installation of its TunnelData web tool as integrating software of all the auscultation data of this megastructure. This project is the first mass underground transportation in Peru with 35 km of tunnels.

TunnelData allows the storage, management and analysis of auscultation, geotechnical geological, hydrogeological, construction, advancement of the TBM and environmental data (manual or automatic, including in real time), coming from the instrumentation installed in all the sections in construction for the new Line 2 of the Lima and Callao Metro. All this information is integrated georeferenced in a GIS environment. In addition, it configures and displays the alarms or control thresholds for each sensor. TunnelData allows access to any of the data in order to evaluate the auscultation of the work and its progress status, and generate a variety of useful reports and graphics for the construction, control and evaluation of the behavior of the infrastructure.


Currently OFITECO participates in the instrumentation and monitoring of various stations of Line 2 and the Branch of Line 4 of the Lima Metro, and thus consolidates its position as a leading company in the field of instrumentation and monitoring of underground works. In this area, it is worth highlighting the execution of international projects in Canada (tunnel under the Montreal Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport), Saudi Arabia (Line 5 of the Riyadh Metro) or Israel (red line of the Tel Aviv Metro), and national projects in the Madrid Metro (Lines 1 and 7), Malaga Metro (Lines 1 and 2), Valencia (Line 3), Gijón Metrotrén or on the FEVE tracks in Langreo.